I’m proud to have the personal support of some of our town’s most influential leaders, from those who represent us in Washington and Hartford to the friends who serve on local committees right here in Darien.

“I’m so excited that Tara’s running for First Selectman in Darien. She served this town beautifully on the Board of Education for five years, and she is now dedicated to making sure that the businesses on Main Street thrive, improving our quality of life, and maintaining the beautiful parks and beaches here.

Most importantly, we’re going to work together on something that is important to everyone in this part of Connecticut, which is making sure that we have the 21st century infrastructure that improves our quality of life and attracts businesses to our area.”

-Congressman Jim Himes

“I am very proud to endorse my friend Tara Ochman for First Selectman of Darien.

Tara has served on the Darien Board of Education, including as its chairperson, and she has been a long time town resident and community volunteer.

During her years of service on the Board of Education, she has been a consistent advocate for Darien students at the State Capitol.

I am supporting Tara because she will continue to work hard to strengthen public education, support small business development and retention, protect the environment, and keep our children safe. And she will be an advocate for our seniors and veterans.”

— Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz

“Having served on the Darien Board of Selectmen for years, I know what it takes to make a real difference in town government. That's why I'm supporting Tara Ochman for First Selectman. Tara has the skills, expertise, and vision to guide Darien into the next decade and maintain our status as a competitive, desirable suburb. I look forward to voting for her.”

— Dave Martin, Darien Board of Selectmen

"Tara Ochman will make a terrific First Selectman for Darien. Having served with her on the Board of Education, I have seen firsthand her ability to work across the aisle and make a real difference for Darien's students and parents. I can't wait to see what she'll do from Town Hall. She has my full support for November."

— Sara Parent, Darien Board of Education